  • Bonne année 2016 2016-01-01
    Yuzhou Optics souhaite que tous les gens dans l'industrie optique ont une merveilleuse nouvelle année, et ont une récolte dans l'optique d'affaires en 2016. Bonne année à tous nos clients!
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  • Dîner pour célébrer la Fête du Printemps 2015-02-03
    Nous avons d ner avec tous les employ s avant la F te du Printemps chinois, nous nous sommes r unis,pour r sumer l'ann e derni re pour l'avenir, de construire une nouvelle re de Yuzhou optique. Dans ce parti, nous jouons des jeux,nous chantons, et mous souhaitons que nous aurons une r colte dans l'ann e venir!

"Danyang glasses" be our city name card

Posté sur 2015-01-14
In the early 1960s, Danyang City appeared professional production enterprises glasses; after 40 years of development, integration, Danyang glasses has formed from the design, production, logistics, marketing, brand planning, zero with one-stop complete industrial chain and social division, size of supporting, upper and lower cohesion of the industrial system. At present, the city has a total of 2600 kinds of glasses production, processing, business enterprises more than 6, employing more than 10000 people, glasses in the last century 90's has become Danyang's first feature industry". The city in 2005 won the "glasses production base in China", 2008 obtained "China glasses export base," the honorary title, and in 2009 was identified as the province's first "Danyang glasses industry cluster brand cultivation base" Jiangsu Province Bureau of industry and commerce, 2012 "Danyang glasses" brand won the Jiangsu regional brand-name title. "Danyang glasses" has long been the city government and the whole society as a "city card" to spread.
In order to further expand the visibility and influence of Danyang glasses "to help enterprises to enhance the competitiveness of the overall market, September 3, 2007, spectacles City Chamber of Commerce began to apply to the Administration for Industry and Commerce of the State Trademark Bureau registered" Danyang glasses "collective trademark, the trademark by the Chinese" Danyang glasses and Phoenix graphics. April 21, 2014, Danyang after seven years of time to apply for the Danyang glasses collective trademark has passed the approval of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Review Committee, formally approved the registration. Seven years of the "run" and eventually became immortal. "Jinling Evening News", "contemporary wall bulletin", "Danyang daily" and other newspapers and multi angle of large space of Danyang glasses "for publicity, and finally won the gold lettered signboard.
"At present, the country only Danyang to get the collective trademark glasses, and in the industrial class, but also has the uniqueness." Trademark professionals said: "collective trademark is a kind of intellectual property, we should like to protect their eyes as together to protect this' flagship. Only in this way can we really play its utility, cut the benefits and Danyang's glasses industry